A Team of Legal Experts with Soft Skills
Charles-Henri de La Vallée Poussin is a partner at eMotio.law. He has been a member of the Brussels Bar since 2008.
As a highly experienced public procurement lawyer, Charles-Henri has extensive knowledge in his practice areas and strong analytical skills. He has been recognised by the Brussels Bar as a specialist in both public procurement and administrative law. He has advised companies and public authorities for over 15 years.
In his daily practice, Charles-Henri:
- assists domestic and international clients in their public procurement tender processes, aiming to secure them as the successful bidder
- supports contracting authorities in designing their tenders, particularly in drafting tender documents and award decisions
- provides advisory and litigation support throughout both the awarding and implementation phases of public contracts
- offers general legal assistance on all matters related to public and administrative law, environmental law and energy law
Charles-Henri is the author of several scientific publications on public procurement law. He also conducts numerous training sessions in this field, which are highly regarded for their dynamism and clarity.
Charles-Henri graduated from the University of Brussels (ULB) in 2008. He also holds an LL.M. from King’s College London (University of London) obtained in 2012, as well as a postgraduate Master’s degree in Public and Administrative Law from the University of Brussels (ULB) obtained in 2014.
Recent publications :
- Ch.-H. de La Vallée Poussin & J. Van Vyve, « Les références à l’épreuve de la cotraitance, de la sous-traitance et de la personnalité morale », M.C.P.-O.O.O., 2024/1, pp. 33-54.
- Ch.-H. de La Vallée Poussin, T. De Meese & A. Walckiers, « L’obligation de motivation formelle et la confidentialité dans les décisions motivées d’attribution de marchés publics : l’art d’en dire assez sans en dire trop », Competitio, 2021/2, pp. 151-157.
- Ch.-H. de La Vallée Poussin, « 10. – Les marchés passés par les entités adjudicatrices : spéciaux, classiques ou exclus ? », Aux frontières des marchés publics, Ch.-H. de La Vallée Poussin et M. Vilain XIIII (dir.), Larcier, 2020, pp. 257-296.
- Ch.-H. de La Vallée Poussin & C. Nennen, « L’intérêt dans les recours en suspension et en annulation en matière de marchés publics », Chronique des marchés publics 2019-2020, C. De Koninck, P. Flamey, P. Thiel et B. Demeulenaere (dir.), Bruxelles, EBP, 2020, pp. 1168-1186.
- Ch.-H. de La Vallée Poussin & J. Guns, « Onderhandelingen binnen het overheidsopdrachtenrecht : het verhaal van een voorwaardelijke vrijheid », Chronique des marchés publics 2019-2020, C. De Koninck, P. Flamey, P. Thiel et B. Demeulenaere (dir.), Bruxelles, EBP, 2020, pp. 1187-1214.
- Ch.-H. de La Vallée Poussin, « Nouvelle réglementation : le nouveau visage de la loi relative à la motivation, à l’information et aux voies de recours », Chronique des marchés publics 2016-2017, C. De Koninck, P. Flamey, P. Thiel et B. Demeulenaere (dir.), Bruxelles, EBP, 2017, pp. 47-64.
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