
A Team of Legal Experts with Soft Skills

Jean Pierre Renard
Of counsel

Jean Pierre Renard is of counsel at He has been a member of the Brussels Bar since 1974 and of the Walloon Brabant Bar since 2022.


Jean Pierre has decades of experience advising domestic and international clients in the automotive sector.


Jean Pierre specialises in commercial law, distribution and corporate law:

  • he regularly assists clients in drafting and negotiating sale, lease, services and distribution agreements
  • he advises companies, shareholders and directors on matters relating to corporate governance and directors’ liability
  • he has extensive expertise in distribution litigation (automotive) and corporate litigation (shareholders’ disputes and post-acquisition claims)
  • he regularly acts as arbitrator and mediator


Jean Pierre is also a recognised restructuring and insolvency lawyer:

  • he assists clients with judicial reorganisation and bankruptcy proceedings and in particular restructuring operations and contacts with creditors, courts and court-appointed representatives
  • he advises third parties on debt restructuring and asset sales


In 1999, Jean Pierre was appointed as a substitute judge at the Walloon Brabant commercial court.


Jean Pierre is a regular speaker and chairman at numerous conferences in Belgium and abroad on topics such as directors’ liability, M&A, corporate governance and judicial reorganisation proceedings.


Jean Pierre is a member of several non-profit organisations and has been chairman of the board of directors of the ASBL IRHAM and founder and director of the ASBL AP³, which is dedicated to the recognition of polyhandicap by public authorities and sponsors.


Jean Pierre graduated from the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL) in 1973. He also holds a postgraduate Master’s degree in Economic Law from the same university obtained in 1974. He started his career alongside Antoine Braun, president of the Brussels Bar, and in 1982 became a partner at Braun Claeys Evrard Sorel, which became Loeff Claeys Verbeke in 1990 (this firm was integrated into the UK firm Allen & Overy in 1999). Jean Pierre founded the commercial litigation department of Loeff Claeys Verbeke and was its managing partner from 1993 to 1995. In 1999, he joined Buyle, Dieryck, Maingain and in 2002 co-founded elegis. From 2013 to 2018, Jean Pierre was director and treasurer of the non-profit organisation BMediation.


Recent publications:

  • J.P. Renard, M. Dumont et G. Spiette, « Gestion des créanciers dans le cadre d’une PRJ » in Conflits et entreprises. Prévenir, désamorcer et résoudre (dir. B. Petre), Limal, Anthémis, 2023, pp. 101-114
  • J.P. Renard, « L’entreprise en difficulté en 2020 : quels remèdes ? » in Redelijk eigenzinnig… liber amicorum Eric Brewaeys, Philippe Colle, Erna Guldix en Bruno Maes, Knops Publishing, 2023, p. 729
  • J.P. Renard, « L’abus de faiblesse économique : suite et sans doute pas fin » in In memoriam Dominique Jossart et Renaud de Briey, Anthemis, 2022, p. 383
  • X., Le Manuel de l’insolvabilité de l’entreprise, Kluwer, 2019 (dir. I. Verougstraete)
  • J.P. Renard, M.-C. Godefroid, Le manuel pratique du dirigeant de la SA, Editions Edipro, 2016


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